Media And Public Relations

In this workshop, your participants will get knowledge they need to manage effectively their image and value by forming solid networks through strategic communication planning. Effective networking is essential for …

Marketing Basics

Marketing is an essential element for every business. It can be that one missing piece of the puzzle, and when it fits, the big picture is revealed. Your participants will …

Internet Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing has changed dramatically over the last decade. Marketing is all about communicating, and the Internet has completely changed the way people communicate. The Internet is a marketer’s dream come …

Handling a Difficult Customer

Handling a Difficult Customer Customer service is a necessary position in the job world today.  It helps companies give customers what they want and what they need. Although many customers …

Customer Support

Customer support used to mean a face-to-face conversation with a customer or a phone call.  Today, technology has changed how we approach customer support.  It now encompasses the internet, websites, …

Effective Customer Service

Each and every one of us serves customers, whether we realize it or not. Maybe you’re on the front lines of a company, serving the people who buy your products. …

Introduction to Telework and Telecommuting

Working in a home office requires a unique set of skills. Teleworkers or virtual employees have additional challenges created by not being in a centralized office. Communication issues alone make …

Public Speaking the Basics

The Basics of Public Speaking Public speaking is one of the most intimidating things anyone is asked to do. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up in front of …

Introduction to Proposal Writing

Proposal Writing an IntroductionA good proposal doesn’t just outline what product or service you would like to create or deliver. It will convince the reader that it is the only …

Collaborative Business Writing

Communication Strategies an Introduction For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it’s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of …

Basics of Business Writing

Writing is a key method of communication for most people, and it’s one that many people struggle with. Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and more people communicating …

Body Language Basics

Body Language Basics Skills CourseCan you tell if someone is telling the truth just by looking at them? It is a skill that a lot of people do not have. …